Building and enhancing capacities, in terms of tools and technologies as well as man power to acquire appropriate knowledge and skills to address the challenges of climate change risks and crop pests and diseases is an important activity to be undertaken in this project.Various activities under this objective are:
- Adopting a collaborative learning approach, national capacity will be developed for dissemination of climate resilient technologies to address the climate change and agriculture.
- Capacity building programs on data collection and management, climate analysis, future climate predictions, vulnerability assessment, handling crop and pest/disease models etc.
- Training of students (M.Sc. and Ph.D.), post-docs, scientists, technicians etc.
- Sharing the information through publications, seminars, conferences etc.
- Linking with digital agriculture theme of ICRISAT and enhancing the capacities of extension services personnel of the department of Agriculture through use of mobile app like “Plantix” as a decision support system for plant protection services.